An interesting quote about the origin of MVC and event handling

I noticed in the Viewpoint papers there was a fair about handling time. Maybe that’s an important point?
Your example would work if Actors could ask for a regular “tick” message to be sent to them in the absence of other messages.

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Not in the context of :point_up: that post, but in reply to this one, functional reactive DDD popped into my head which comes in many flavours by combining a range of well-known architecture patterns. In that post your mention of the methods…

… translates to the Infrastructure layer (onion/hexagonal architecture, inversion of control) serializing/deserializing Events (EDA) to an Aggregate Root of a Bounded Context (DDD) in the domain layer. Depending on the architecture patterns you stack there might be e.g. CQRS and event triggering Command(s) in service layer. And e.g. Actor Model with an actor either in services or domain layer (aggregate root is an actor) be the entry to the bounded context. The aggregate root (consistency boundary of the bounded context) would only expose functions that can be design-by-contract and internal business logic trigger events that get sent out as msgs.

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